What All Inclusive means?

Website building

Website creation includes taking care of everything necessary: domain registration, certificates, your email setup, and initial content.

Complete setup, security, and delivery of all necessary information for the management and operation of your website.


I provide ongoing maintenance and updates to your website during its operation. This includes adding new features, assisting with management if you choose to handle it yourself, updating information, products, and promotions. I can also integrate your website with social media platforms and publish updates there. Additionally, I offer assistance with email campaigns,etc.

Rest assured, I don't forget about you once the website is completed and the invoice is sent. I pride myself on being there for my clients whenever they need assistance—not only troubleshooting but also as a virtual colleague, helping with routine maintenance and updates to your website. So whether you're a 70-year-old grandma who can't see the keyboard without glasses, you still have a helping hand to take care of anything you need for your website.

Of course, all of this is included in the website creation price.

I don't charge hourly fees for adding or editing content on the website.

I'm not just a web creator; I take pride in showcasing your websites in my portfolio, so they always need to be perfect, regardless of your technical expertise.